Healing Depression Part 3: Self-care
I've covered food + supplements and mindful movement in the Healing Depression series. In this post, I will be talking about the...

Healing Depression Part 2: Mindful Movement
It's been over a year since my first post (Healing Depression Part 1), so I wanted to give an update before I dive into Part 2: Mindful...

Healing Depression: Part 1 Food + Supplements
Depression. It's not the easiest topic to discuss, but considering recent events and the fact that suicides now outnumber car accident...

Disconnect to reconnect: taking a break from social media, what I learned + my tips
Several weeks ago, I made the decision to take a break from social media. It was a very difficult decision for me to make, but it has...

Creamy Zoodles with Roasted Portobellos + Steamed Potatoes
Are you ready for fall?! I know I am! This recipe definitely has fall written all over it. Roasted mushrooms and steamed potatoes bring...